How To Fall Asleep?
Not Getting fall asleep is very bad for your health and is also very frustrating for you. Good Night sleep is most important for you and for your health of the brain and body too. Getting Good Night sleep is also Important to work properly.
Some people have not problem falling asleep but some have problems getting asleep. Some people have anxiety that impacts on getting fall asleep.
Use these techniques to fall asleep easily...
1. Deep Breathing
Deep Breathing calms your body and brain also and When your body and Brain would be calm and relax then your body can fall asleep fast. But when you breathe fast and shallow create anxiety and tension in your body and brain.
Inhale for 5 secondExhale for 5 secondKeep This pattern
After this, your body will be slowly calm and relax and Then you will fall asleep.
2. Keep Regular Sleeping Patterns
Sleep every day at the same time. That will Make your body and brain practiced To sleep at those times. When that time comes then your brain and body say that you should sleep right now.
3. Turn Off The Lights
Lights impact on our brain and body. Light makes your body and brain judge that is this a Nighttime or Daytime. So turning off the lights will make your body and brain relax and calm. So keep your room as low light as possible when you want to sleep. This will bring you to fall asleep.
4. Avoid Sleeping In Daytime
Sleeping in the daytime would make your body and brain to break the pattern of sleep and make your body and make awake in the nighttime. So avoid sleeping in the daytime. A study found that those who take asleep in the daytime. they don't get a deeper sleep in the nighttime.
5. Meditation
Meditation has the power to make your brain function properly. If you Meditate every day then your body would be relaxed and calm so You can get better sleep at night.
6. Avoid Devices
If you use your Mobile phones, Smartphones, Tablets, And Laptops at Nighttime It would be difficult for you to fall asleep. The light of these devices reduces the natural Melatonin production in the brain and body. So avoid these devices right before 1 hour.
7. Take Meal Earlier At Night
At nighttime digestion process can interrupt your sleeping process. This will make your body and brain active while digestion. So avoid taking meals late at night. Take your dinner early at night. And avoid fatty and spicy foods at night. if you want a better night's sleep so take some light and healthy food at night.
8. Do Some Exercises In The Daytime
A study has found that if you Excercise in the daytime you will get a better night's sleep. High intensity and moderate exercise will make you get better sleep at night. Those who are taking medication. if they start to exercise regularly then they will get better sleep at night.
9. Read The Book
At night if you start to read the book then it is possible to stop bad emotion thinking this will calm your body and brain. So start to Read the books at night time.
10. Temperature
If the temperature of the room is too hot and too cold that will make your body uncomfortable that will stop falling asleep. so keep the temperature of the room comfortable.
11. Taking Hot Bath
Taking a hot bath makes our body calm and relax that start preparing for the body to sleep. it also improves the blood circulation in the brain.
12. Taking Melatonin
Melatonin is the hormone of the brain to make the body fall asleep. If Melatonin produced in sufficient amount then our body makes us fall asleep fast. And the melatonin is also a supplement that is used to make the patient fall asleep. Melatonin is the medication to get better sleep at night.
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