New Coronavirus Strain Is Spreading All Over The World.

  New Coronavirus Strain Is Spreading All Over The World Very Fast.

New Coronavirus Strain Is Spreading All Over The World
  New Coronavirus Strain Is Spreading All Over The World

Corona's new strain is visible in the world, now it has spread to many countries. This new coronavirus was introduced from Britain. It came out from Britain that the new form of coronavirus has been developed in Britain itself. Which is even more deadly. Now this strain has spread to 8 countries in Europe. Due to which the danger is increasing.

 The World Health Organization has confirmed the outbreak of the new coronavirus. The 27 passengers who came from England were found to be Corona positive. Out of which 2 passengers reached different states of the country. And the officials who were given the responsibility of monitoring the infected people. This carelessness, which he remained oblivious to for hours, has created a serious risk of infection in the entire country.

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Despite the tight security, some of those passengers who were infected disappeared from there. And reached other states. After an investigation, it was found that he had reached Ludhiana and Andhra Pradesh. In order to eliminate the coronavirus that originated in Britain, the world is taking swift decisions, the examples of negligence are also seen in India.

 On Friday, when Britain confirmed the emergence of new coronavirus free, soon after that the governments of many countries had banned aeroplanes coming from England. And simultaneously instructed for RTPCR test in their countries. The infected were ordered to be kept separately in isolated words. But the flag of this order flew in Delhi itself. On Tuesday, two infected passengers who arrived in Delhi from UK went missing from Delhi. And by the time someone came to know, both the passengers had reached other states of the country.

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 One of the passengers infected with Corona was found at Rajmundri in Andhra Pradesh, 1800 km from Delhi. Despite being Corona positive, he covered this distance by train. Later, the medical agency sent him again to Delhi. Where he is kept in isolation ward. Having a medical agency, carry forward the investigation. So the second infected was found in Ludhiana, about 300 km from Delhi. The corona-infected man had admitted himself to a large hospital in Ludhiana. The infected person has been sent back to Delhi on Tuesday evening. If the fault of the hospital administration comes to light then action will also be taken against it.

 Both individuals are already infected with corona and if such a new coronavirus is found in them, then the danger is that either of them has not distributed the new virus to other people coming in contact with them. But there has been such a mistake why instead of answering this, agencies are blaming each other.

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 On the negligence, the Delhi Airport Administration has issued a statement saying that the responsibility of the District Administration under the Delhi Government is all the responsibility to check the copy of passengers from abroad and take them to home or hospital. 

Whether it is airport administration or Delhi government, both will have to work in harmony with each other because if the security system is broken then a new infection will spread in the country. 

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