What is The Difference Between Modem and Router? | Modem vs. Router | About Modem And Router.

What is The Difference Between Modem and Router? | Modem vs. Router | About Modem And Router.

What is The Difference Between Modem and Router? | Modem vs. Router | About Modem And Router.
What is The Difference Between Modem and Router? | Modem vs. Router | About Modem And Router.

Friends, the confusion remains in your mind. What are modem and router? A is because in today's date which modern router we are using. He does many things at once, gives us WiFi.

The internet is switching games, the switch is also working, the modem is also inside it, so it means that this is the only device that does all our work. But friends, here let me tell that both the things are completely different. The modem is completely different. Router is completely different, 

if you have been using the Internet for a long time, then you must know that these two are different devices. They have different functions but in today's date modern routers have basically brought you a combo feature which provides the functionality of multiple devices here.

 Friends, the work of a modem is very simple, see converting and unchanging signals, what your computer is, it understands digital signals, it does not understand digital signals, understand it

 What is your modem, basically a bridge between analogue and digital When a signal is coming out of your computer to go further into the world of the Internet, it will be digital, but the modem will convert it into analogue. 

After which that which is your cable line later on. Or suppose the phone line you have. The modem will convert whatever signals are coming from outside in analogue to digital, which your computer can understand and show what you want to see from the internet.

Friends, the work of a router is completely different and that is routing signals, now suppose there will be only one computer in your house, there was a time when we only had a single computer, and we used to do everything in that. We used to see that our phone did not have Wi-Fi, but in today's date, what is not connected to the Internet in your house, how many wireless connections have happened, so many wire connections have been made, so you need a router.


Look, the router is also not necessarily wireless, in today's date you usually get routers that are wireless, but here friends, the router's job is only that the input that is coming from the modem will basically switch it forward. Will divide into so many channels so that you can use all the devices.  

And here you can have your phone. You can have a computer. Could be a laptop. Your gaming control Your TV Chrome card means so many devices. And the job of routers is only that the signals that are going out. It can be out correctly lest you open the website in your phone, and it opens in your computer If you request a video in your Chromecast, then it will open in your phone.

Each person is assigned an IP, through which he communicates by going to the Internet. Do internet surfing. Which signal is coming from where is it going, this is the job of the router. 

 Router can be wireless as well as simple wired. This is the difference between a simple router and a modern one.

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