What Is The Development of Smartphones?


What Is The Development of Smartphones?

What Is The Development of Smartphones in the United States?

What Is The Development of Smartphones in the United States?

Section 1: What is a smartphone?

Section 2: What is a smartphone, isn’t?

Today, smartphones are not just special-purpose devices. Instead, they now handle basically everything for you, the user.

Particularly, smartphones have changed the way we communicate with each other. They are our primary communication device and store all our personal information.

However, they were not always so common. In fact, it was only in 2007 that the first mobile data usage ever reported was released. The report showed that the average number of text messages per month was just over 100 and the average amount of internet traffic per month was a mere 3 MB.

Cell phone users connected, on average, for just 30 minutes every month.

10 years after that report, mobile data usage reached 146 GB per month.

The first smartphone

Today, nearly every mobile phone comes equipped with some form of keyboard and a touchscreen, whether it be the normal Android or iOS conventions or something more unique. This was the foundation that smartphones in the United States had to stand on to grow in popularity.

In fact, Apple specifically targeted U.S. consumers during the release of their iPhone 5, and it is with this opening that the iPhone has brought the most mainstream attention to smartphones in the U.S. today.

The rise of smartphones

While other nations have reached a level of consumer integration with smartphones, the United States still lags behind. The American public has been slow to adopt this new technology, and there are several contributing reasons for this.

First smartphones in the United States

You may be wondering how the U.S. was able to be the first in the smartphone world. You may be wondering why it was so long before people around the world started to look at their phones as convenient, personal devices. Furthermore, you may be wondering why we didn’t have all of these amazing technologies at the turn of the century!

While you’re wondering that, I am explaining it to you.

Here’s a quick glimpse of the evolution of the U.S. as the leader in smartphone technology:

1979: The Rolex Gordon TAG Heuer Smartwatch was invented. However, it was not until the year 2000 that it was released in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The year 2000 that it was released in the U.S. and the rest of the world. 1994: The IBM Simon Personal Communicator is invented and released.

Future of smartphones in America

The way smartphones have changed in the United States is that most manufacturers now decide to provide a smartphone in the United States first. This, naturally, results in a completely different consumer culture than in other countries.

This doesn’t mean that the innovations are not the same in the US as they are in other countries. A majority of smartphone manufacturers in the United States offer both the United States market and a large and expanding international market.


This is an invaluable tool to have when developing and producing smartphones for the United States market.

A Global Leader in Smartphone Technology

The United States is still the world’s leader in smartphone technology.


As phones have become more advanced, our demand for them has drastically increased. People spend much of their time on them, and more often than not, the goal is to be as productive as possible in each and every moment.

Digital and physical productivity are very closely linked, so a device that combines both tasks into one device is ideal. That device is the smartphone.

How Can the Success of Smartphones Impact The Future of Sales?

Having a smartphone can be one of the most beneficial tools for any business owner. Having the tools necessary to do the job, to the best of your ability, quickly is an essential factor in running a successful business.

But most importantly, having a smartphone will allow your business to effectively compete with other small businesses in the mobile space.

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